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What is Nail Fungus?

Nail fungus starts as a yellow or white spot just below the nail tip. In mild cases, nail fungus may not bother people. In some cases, nail fungus causes painful and thick nails.
Commonly observed nail fungus is a health and cosmetic nuisance. Nail fungus can be seen in a single nail or spread to many nails, causing the nails to thicken, their edges to break and discolor.

How Does Nail Fungus Occur?

Nail fungus infections are caused by various organisms called fungus. Apart from this, yeast and molds can also cause nail infections.

Get rid of Nail Fungus with Laser Treatment!

Nail fungus infections are difficult to treat. Treatment varies based on the severity of the condition and the type of fungus causing it. Laser nail fungus treatments are suitable for patients who cannot or do not want to receive oral treatment. In addition, laser nail fungus treatment can be applied in combination with oral treatment.

Laser nail fungus treatment can be applied to both fingernails and toenails. As a result of this treatment, the patient experiences a noticeable improvement in nail fungus.

Laser therapy is one of the most effective methods for curing nail fungus. Studies show that the effectiveness of laser nail fungus treatments is around 70% to 80%.

How Many Sessions Does Laser Nail Fungus Treatment Take?

Laser nail fungus treatment is applied as at least 4 sessions with an average interval of 15-30 days. The application time and the number of sessions required for the complete elimination of nail fungus vary from patient to patient and depending on the density of the fungus.

Does Laser Treatment Give Definitive Results?

Although a definite improvement is achieved with the laser treatment used in the treatment of nail fungus, if the patient does not take protective measures against nail fungus, the disease may recur in the same nail or other nails.

What are the Prices of Laser Nail Fungus Treatment?

Laser nail fungus treatment prices vary by the procedure and the number of sessions. Please contact us for detailed information.
